It was the coldest day in Georgia, and then suddenly the power went out!
We only had a few logs of wood, and a couple of candlesticks.My kids were mom what do we do, they were out of school for winter break, and the fear set in. The house became instantly cold. I could not do anything without power. My husband was baffled, but his fatherly instict kicked in. He began to grab some newspapers, and place them iside o the fire place. So we quickly grabbed our blankets and we all cuddled near the fireplace while eating cold cuts from the refrigerator. The candles were used for the bathroom and hallways. The moment we started to enjoy the colonial living the power came back on. The panicky of power outage experience made our family a bit more closer. Thank God he was there for us every bit of the way.

Nothing holds you closer together, more than prayer. The devotional time of being alone is a good thing. It gives you the courage to depend on God, when things like your power going out within your home during a major storm.
The purpose is not to become anti-sociable with everyday people. The aim is to become more communicative with God in order to gain better health in our spiritual walk! So Family time is so very important, but alone time with God is everything.
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